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5 benefits dogs have on our health

It's no secret that caring for a dog comes with a lot of responsibility and commitment. At the same time, there are a number of benefits that have been shown to have a documented, positive impact on both physical and mental health. Here we have put together a list of 5 health benefits!

Stress-relieving and calming

  • If you often experience stress and anxiety, the dog can help you relieve this. Scientific research has shown that spending time with dogs can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

    Going for a long walk with your dog in the fresh air, stimulating play or cuddling and closeness can increase the production of serotonin and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that give us the feeling of joy and motivation, which in turn give us energy and surplus to tackle today's challenges.

Company and friendship

  • Having someone around who depends on you to feel good makes you feel both useful and valuable. Especially for those of you who live alone, or for other reasons feel alienated or lonely, having a dog nearby can alleviate these feelings. Instead, these can be replaced with closeness, friendship and being of great importance to someone. These feelings confirm our basic social needs for security and love.

Structure and routines

  • When you become a dog owner, a number of new tasks are added to your everyday life. Dogs must be ventilated several times a day, they must be physically and cognitively stimulated with play and activity, they must be fed, brushed and groomed. These tasks not only contribute to a balanced, happy and calm dog, the same benefits also apply to you. The daily tasks that must be carried out to take care of your dog also help you to become a more balanced, organized and structured person.

Regular activity

  • Dogs need daily physical and cognitive exercise. Your dog needs to be ventilated and played with up to several times a day, which is an excellent way for you to get a nice walk in the fresh air or a playful cardio session in the park. Regular activity contributes to a good mood, more energy, better sleep and is essential for achieving healthy physical and mental health.

Reduces loneliness and opens up opportunities for socialization

  • There can be many reasons why one feels lonely or perhaps does not get enough social stimuli. Especially during and after Covid, many people have experienced loneliness and being alone. Perhaps it has been difficult to find your way back to everyday social life? Dog owners tend to love talking to each other about their obvious shared interest. Why not take a walk in the park and use your dog as an aid to socialize and connect with new people?
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